BE KAUKAU, WUHAN series, combined with Wuhan local craft brewing brand 1118 Craft Brew, focused on six groups of high-frequency words in Wuhan dialect, and created six "Wuhan divine beasts" with different personalities by taking their homonyms. Taking these "divine beasts" with a clear attitude as the starting point, through the abstract outline and strong color matching system, it conveys the warm and straightforward personality of Wuhan people.

BE KAUKAU,WUHAN系列 ,联合武汉本土精酿品牌一一拾捌精酿,聚焦武汉方言中的六组高频词汇,取其谐音创造出了六个性格各异的“武汉神兽”。以这些态度鲜明的“神兽”为出发点,通过抽象的轮廓和强烈的配色系统,传递出武汉人热烈直率的性格。

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