lululemon has always been sharing the concept of "well being" with more people. At the beginning of the new year, the brand will continue to explore Eastern narratives about "well being" within its profound traditional cultural heritage.As the season marking the beginning of the year, "Spring" holds special significance in Eastern culture, with people singing its praises and attributing various positive meanings to it. lululemon sees  "Spring" as an expression of intentionality, concerning one's inner state. Therefore, singing of 'Spring' is a call inward, with the hope of achieving a harmonious"well being" of body and mind.

BE KAUKAU,是一个持续进行中的视觉实验项目。它建立在多种媒介、材料及视觉表达手段之上,同时致力于探索不同城市图景和字体排印进行视觉融合的实验性叙事BE KAUKAU,WUHAN系列,联合武汉本十精酿品牌一一拾捌精酿,聚焦武汉方言中的六组高频词汇,取其谐音创造出了六个性格各异的“武汉神兽”。以这些态度鲜明的“神兽”为出发点,通过抽象的轮廓和强烈的配色系统,传递出武汉人热烈直率的性格。
